Download Free The Amazing Spider-Man 2 takes place outside the events of the 2nd film in a unique story where Spider-Man discovers a larger threat to NYC that has turned the underworld upside down. Villains from the film and classic Marvel characters come together in a twisted web of adrenaline-fueled, web-slinging action. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Full Version
OS: Windows XP, Windows Seven, Windows 8
Processor: Intel 2.4 Ghz / AMD 2.6 Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB 3D DirectX® 9.0c / Nvidia GeForce 285 GTX / AMD Radeon HD4830
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 9 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 – compliant sound card
Additional Notes: Internet connection required for activation
Play as Peter Parker for the first time ever in The Amazing Spider-Man game series
Explore a more expansive Manhattan cityscape than the previous Amazing Spider-Man
New “Hero or Menace” system rewards you for acting as Spider-Man by stopping crime and saving citizens
New abilities and expanded fast-paced, acrobatic combat moves
Battle all-new villains from both the movie and Spider-Man universes
New web-swing mechanic includes expanded web-shooter capabilities and chemical properties that allow you to freeze and blow up items on impact
This release contains following 4 DLC’s:
Iron Spider Suit: Durability, Fire Resistance and Ballistic Resistance
Cosmic Spider-Man Suit: HP Regeneration, Spider-Sense Range and Ionic Web Potency
Black Suit: Damage, Bonus Tech and Durability
Spider-Man Noir Suit: Stealth, Takedown Range and Ballistic Resistance
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